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IF4TM has been selected in TOP20 CBHE Erasmus+ projects and presented at EACEA conference in Rome

IF4TM has been selected in TOP20 CBHE Erasmus+ projects and presented at EACEA conference in Rome

The IF4TM final conference on the third mission of the university held in Science Technological Park Belgrade

The IF4TM final conference on the third mission of the university held in Science Technological Park Belgrade

Capacity building training “WIPO Tools for Intellectual Property for the universities

Capacity building training “WIPO Tools for Intellectual Property for the universities


Workshop "With creative thinking on a lot of ideas and potential innovation" held in the Creativity center of the University of Kragujevac

Ceremonial opening of the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac

Ceremonial opening of the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac

The National Final Competition for best student idea 2018 held at Science Technology Park Belgrade

The National Final Competition for best student idea 2018 held at Science Technology Park Belgrade

Meeting related to the transfer of INNO platforms

Meeting related to the transfer of INNO platforms

Advisory monitoring visit to the IF4TM project

Advisory monitoring visit to the IF4TM project

Sixth Steering Committee meeting in Nis

Sixth Steering Committee meeting in Nis

Study visit to the Danube University Krems

Study visit to the Danube University Krems

Visit to the Instituto Superor Tecnico in Lisbon

Visit to the Instituto Superor Tecnico in Lisbon

The local final Competition held at University of Kragujevac

The local final Competition held at University of Kragujevac

A local competition for the Best Student Idea was held at the University of Belgrade

A local competition for the Best Student Idea was held at the University of Belgrade

Capacity building training organized by University of Kragujevac

Capacity building training organized by University of Kragujevac

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Kragujevac

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Kragujevac

Presentation of selected PoC projects in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development

Presentation of selected PoC projects in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development